Author: CBG
In Memoriam: Sheldon C. Plotkin, Ph.D., P.E. Served on Bridge the Gap Board for 46 Years
Dr. Sheldon Plotkin, a mainstay of CBG and an unflagging force for science in the public interest, died April 11, 2020, at age 93. He played key roles in the shutdown of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and the fight to clean it up. He served as an expert witness in the UCLA, Diablo Canyon, and San Onofre nuclear reactor cases. He was central to the establishment and operation of CBG’s longtime partner organization, the Southern California Federation of Scientists.
Three SF supervisors, environmental groups seek ouster of health official after Chronicle investigation
Three San Francisco supervisors and a group of environmental activists are calling for a city public health official to be reassigned or fired, saying she misled the public about a...
Dozens More Mystery Drone Incursions Over U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Revealed
Drones have been inexplicably appearing over nuclear power plants in the United States, raising security questions. Read the article here.
A Helicopter Scan for Radioactivity at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Had Limited value. The City Relied On It Anyway.
Read the full story by SF Chronicle here.
CBG and NRDC Comments on NASA’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
NASA’s Final SEIS selected a cleanup alternative that would violate the 2010 legally binding AOC and would leave approximately 72% of the contaminated soil not cleaned up. Click here to read...
CBG Presentation to the State Historical Resource Commission Regarding Nomination of SSFL as a Cultural District
Click here to view the presentation made by CBG and community members.
CBG and NRDC Comments to the State Historic Resource Commission Opposing Nomination of SSFL as a Cultural District
CBG and NRDC comments on the Trump Administration’s proposal to designate the heavily contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory as a cultural district. CBG and NRDC found that that the proposal...
NASA wants nuclear-contaminated Santa Susana site to be made a historic landmark
In what some have described as a cynical attempt by a U.S. government agency to avoid a long-promised cleanup of toxic and radioactive contaminants, NASA has nominated the Santa Susana...
Hunters Point Testing May Defy US Rules
Watch the news story below. To read the full article click here.
Revisions to Hunters Point Radiation Testing Report Draw Fire
NBC Bay Area reports. Read the story here.
Supervisors recommend rejection of NASA effort to have field lab declared cultural site
Read the Ventura County news report here.
Environmentalists Fault Sending ‘Very Low Level’ Nuclear Waste to Landfills
Click here to read the article.
Critics alarmed by US nuclear agency’s bid to relax rules on radioactive waste
Read the article here. “This would be the most massive deregulation of radioactive waste in American history,” said Dan Hirsch, president of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, a nuclear...
Advocates raise questions about proposal to allow some nuclear waste to be disposed in landfills
Read the article here. “What they’re trying to do is prop up a failing industry so that the cost of decommissioning these [nuclear] reactors is reduced so you don’t have...