Author: CBG
Dan Hirsch Comments on CA Energy Commission’s Diablo Canyon Report
Last year, California’s Governor Newsom succeeded in jamming SB 846 through the State Legislature, shredding the 2016 agreement to shutter the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant by 2025 and authorizing...
Keeping contentious nuclear plant open could cost Californians $45B: report (The Hill)
“If the plant ends up staying online for two more decades, total costs to run the site could range from more than $20 billion to nearly $45 billion from 2023...
Santa Susana Field Lab activists say tainted structures must not go to landfills (LA Daily News)
“Four groups, Consumer Watchdog, Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA, Southern California Federation of Scientists, and Committee to Bridge the Gap, have urged the California Supreme Court to reverse a First District...
US navy accused of cover-up over radioactive shipyard waste (The Guardian)
“The US navy is covering up dangerous levels of radioactive waste on a 40-acre former shipyard parcel in San Francisco’s waterside Hunters Point neighborhood, public health advocates charge. The land...
Advocates remain skeptical after state announces final cleanup plan for Santa Susana Field Lab (NBC4)
“The state of California released a final report Thursday that lays out a cleanup plan for the Santa Susana Field Lab in the hills above the San Fernando and Simi...
Joseph K. Lyou: Environmental justice for all (UCSC Magazine)
“While he was finishing up his dissertation in social psychology, Joe Lyou began interning at Committee to Bridge the Gap (CBG), a nuclear policy nonprofit focusing on nuclear safety, waste...
Advocates Fear Radioactive Waste From One of California’s Most Toxic Sites Could Contaminate More Communities (NBC4)
“This week, four consumer and environmental groups went to the California Court of Appeal to compel the state to require Boeing to dispose of toxic debris from the buildings in...
NRC Chairman Commits Publicly to Reconsider Seismic Risks During Diablo Canyon Relicensing
“On Wednesday, the chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pledged to review the seismic risks for California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant as the NRC moves ahead with Pacific...
Public Interest Groups Take On Newsom Administration Over Backtracking On Cleanup Of Radioactivity At Santa Susana Site
“In an appeal before the Court of Appeal in Sacramento to be heard on Monday, the Newsom Administration will be challenged over positions that breach a longstanding agreement to require...
Friends of the Earth Files Lawsuit to Enforce the PG&E Agreement to Phase out Diablo Nuclear Plant
The organization says that in 2016 it entered into an agreement with PG&E to retire the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in San Luis Obispo County. In exchange for...
Victory in Sacramento: CBG and other Groups Block Attempt to allow New Nuclear Power Plants in California
A few days ago, on April 10, 2023, CBG and other groups succeeded in defeating a bill in Sacramento that would have reversed California’s 1976 Nuclear Safeguards Act. The Act...
Fresh concerns raised about the cleanup of Hunters Point Shipyard (SF Examiner)
“On Thursday, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a Bay Area-based nonprofit, filed a complaint to the Navy’s Inspector General demanding an investigation of the Navy’s analysis of radioactive waste found...
New Novel About SSFL, “God Went Like That” (LA Review of Books)
Loyola Law School professor Yxta Maya Murray has a new novel out called God Went Like That. The book extensively covers many details of the Santa Susana Field Lab story,...
Navy Rejects Data Showing Hunters Point Strontium-90 Hot Spots as ‘Skewed’ (NBC Bay Area)
“A Navy official recently told the community that it considers recent retesting data reflecting elevated levels of the radioactive isotope Strontium-90 on the development site of the old Hunters Point...