Report Critical Of San Onofre Restarting Steam Generators
KPBS reports.
NRC: San Onofre staying offline for ‘months’
The Orange County Register reports.
San Onofre months from restarting reactors
The LA Times reports.
Boxer Pushes NRC For Assurances On Nuclear Safety
KPBS reports.
San Onofre restart proposal weeks away
The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.
SAN ONOFRE: CBG Study Shows Safety of Restarting Either Unit 2 or 3 is Questionable
In a report released today, CBG conducted an exhaustive analysis of data from nuclear plants…
‘Severe abnormalities’ found in Fukushima butterflies
The BBC reports.
Edison unit has no timeline to restart San Onofre units
Reuters reports.
Insiders Say San Onofre Failed To Fix Fire Safety Problems This Year Despite 2010 Warning From Feds
KPBS reports.
Bill Magwood, NRC Democrat, Is ‘Treacherous, Miserable Liar’ And ‘First-Class Rat,’ Says Harry Reid
Huff Post reports.