SSFL Article Archive
50th Anniversary of LA Nuclear Meltdown (07/01/2009)
In November of 1957, the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) came online. In a PR effort by the Atomic Energy Commission, Edward R. Murrow’s “See It Now” television show was present to film when the SRE was tied into an Edison substation to light the town of Moorpark. Supposedly, this was the first time a nuclear reactor produced commercial electricity.
CBG commemorated the 50th anniversary of the SRE’s partial meltdown with a discussion of the incident, historical documents, as well as historical images and video.
Click here for more information, including CBG’s image, video, and document archive regarding the infamous partial meltdown.
The SSFL Cow
Pictures of a cow roaming “highly-secure” SSFL faclity grounds

Long Sought Win For The Community
07/11/2008 Result: EPA Stands Up; DOE Backs Down on Radiation Survey
After disclosures by CBG that DOE had altered critical numbers in a key table related to the cleanup of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, EPA insisted that it take the lead on an independent radiation survey, and after years of resisting, DOE has finally agreed. See CBG disclosure, EPA letter, DOE response, and NRDC-CBG letter.
For years, the community surrounding the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory had been promised that US EPA would conduct a comprehensive, independent radiation survey to locate the contamination that needed to be cleaned up. More . . .
CBG presentation on radioactive water contamination at SSFL
CBG’s 2006 presentation regarding radioactive contamination of water at SSFL
Click here to view the presentation.
CBG Comments To Regional Water Board Regarding The Pending Permits And The Interim Source Removal Order (04/30/09)
CBG’s letter to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding SSFL Preliminary Interim Source Removal Action Work Plan (click here, .pdf)
CBG’s Comments on the Discharge Requirements Monitoring and Reporting Program Cease and Desist Order and Fact Sheet for the Boeing Company Santa Susana Field Laboratory
(click here, .pdf)
Long Sought Win For The Community (07/11/08)
Note: The following documents are available in .pdf formal
EPA Stands Up; DOE Backs Down on Radiation Survey
After disclosures by CBG that DOE had altered critical numbers in a key table related to the cleanup of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, EPA insisted that it take the lead on an independent radiation survey, and after years of resisting, DOE has finally agreed. See CBG disclosure, EPA letter, DOE response, and NRDC-CBG letter.
- Joint CBG-NRDC letter
- CBG statement Statement Regarding Department of Energy “GAP Analysis”
- The U.S. Department of Energy’s (“DOE”) response
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency letter to DOE
Historic SSFL Agreement (01/17/08)
Note: The following documents are available in .pdf format
In a remarkable Letter of Intent negotiated by Secretary Adams and CBG and NRDC’s James Birkelund, the Schwarzenegger Administration has agreed to preserve the hard-fought SB 990, which sets strict cleanup standards long sought by the community. The bill was signed into law last October; but as a condition to get the bill signed, its sponsor, Senator Sheila Kuehl, had agreed to introduce legislation this year that could have gutted SB990’s cleanup standards. The outcry of concern that resulted led to days of negotiations in the last couple of weeks with Cal-EPA Secretary Adams and the signing of a Letter of Intent that preserves SB990 in its entirety while relieving Senator Kuehl of any obligation to introduce legislation that could weaken the law. Click here to read the letter of intent, and Cal-EPA’s letters to Senator Kuehl and US EPA. (.pdfs)
EPA Recommends Superfund Status for SSFL (12/12/07)
Note: The following documents are available in .pdf format
- EPA’s letter can be downloaded by clicking here
- EPA’s site assessment decision can be downloaded by clicking here
- EPA’s full site inspection report can be downloaded by clicking here
Witches’ Brew of Toxic Chemicals Burned by Rocketdyne in Open Pits
New Revelations of Dozens of Hazardous Wastes Burned Over Decades
( .pdf, 5.6mb)
Radioactive Contamination of Water at SSFL
A presentation about substantial contamination of groundwater and surface water at SSFL.