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San Onofre restart proposal weeks away

CBGSep 12, 20121 min read

The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

SAN ONOFRE: CBG Study Shows Safety of Restarting Either Unit 2 or 3 is Questionable

CBGSep 12, 20121 min read

In a report released today, CBG conducted an exhaustive analysis of data from nuclear plants nationwide.  After analyzing the data, it became stunningly clear that San Onofre’s Unit 2 reactor has about 400 times as many damaged steam generator tubes…

NASA Reaffirms Commitment to SSFL Cleanup Agreement, Will Clean Up Contamination to Background

CBGJul 20, 20122 min read

NASA announced that it will fully comply with the Agreement on Consent (AOC) signed in December 2010 to cleanup its portion of SSFL to background levels and set the scope of its Environmental Impact Statement to be in compliance with…

San Onofre nuclear power plant: More dangerous than imagined

CBGJul 14, 20121 min read

There is a new report on the devastating information recently disclosed by the NRC–that approximately 3,400 steam generator tubes have gone bad at San Onofre, a number nearly equal to as many tubes installed in Unit 2 and Unit 3…