Santa Susana Cleanup in Danger
by CBG President Dan Hirsch SEVENTY YEARS AGO, A facility for testing nuclear reactors and rockets too dangerous to be conducted near populated areas was established on the boundary of...
EPA Says Higher Radiation Levels Pose ‘No Harmful Health Effect’
Bloomberg News reports on EPA’s plan to raise radiation standards. Click here. In the event of a dirty bomb or a nuclear meltdown, emergency responders can safely tolerate radiation levels...
Committee to Bridge the Gap’s Comments on DTSC’s Proposed Regulations for Toxicity Criteria for Human Health Risk Assessment
Re: DTSC Reference Number R-2016-8 20 September 2017 CBG Toxicity Criteria Rule Comments (pdf) DTSC Toxicity Criteria Excel Sheet Comparison (pdf) Appropriate toxicity criteria for human health risk assessments are...
Activists furious over missed deadline
The Simi Valley Acorn reports.
DOE’s Draft EIS Violates Federal Law, DOE’s Written Agreement with California and Leaves Up to 94% of Contamination at SSFL Not Cleaned Up
On January 6, 2017 the Department of Energy (DOE) released its draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for its proposed cleanup of Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL),...
Clean up Santa Susana mess
The VC Star publishes Devyn Gortner’s response to the DOE’s draft environmental impact statement.
Year-Long Investigation into LA’s Nuclear Secrets
All five parts of this ground-breaking investigative series can be watched by clicking here. In 2015, The investigative team from NBC4 Los Angeles, led by producers Joel Grover and Matthew...
EPA’s Plan for Radioactive Drinking Water
Eight years ago, in the waning days of the Bush Administration, the EPA tried to issue new standards for radioactivity in drinking water that would have increased permissible concentrations by...
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Defends Plan for Drinking Water
Read more from NBC Bay Area here…
Environmental Protection Agency’s New Emergency Plan for Drinking Water Concerns Many
NBC News for the bay area reports on EPA’s latest efforts to allow higher levels of radiation in drinking water.
New Plan May Allow Higher Radiation Levels in Drinking Water
NBC New York reports, here.
How much radiation is OK in an emergency?
CBG’s Dan Hirsch is quoted in this recent report by the Santa Fe New Mexican. Click here to read.
CBG & Other Groups Oppose EPA’s Proposed Huge Increase in Permissible Radioactivity in Drinking Water
Read the group letter by clicking here. On December 5, 2015, OMB received for review from the US EPA proposed changes to its Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for responding to...