Category: Nuclear Policy
Critics fear PG&E’s aging Diablo Canyon power plant costs may be twice the initial estimates (NBC Bay Area)
“The cost of keeping the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open five more years could be as much as double what PG&E had first estimated back when a deal was...
5th Circuit vacates Holtec CISF license (Beyond Nuclear)
“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, in New Orleans, on March 27, 2024 issued a ruling vacating the license, approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in...
Anti-nuclear activists file appeal over Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant’s safety operations (KCBX)
“Two nonprofit groups, Mothers for Peace and Friends of the Earth, submitted an appeal brief to the ninth circuit court system this week. It accuses the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of...
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Vacates Texas CIS License
In a victory for advocates of nuclear responsibility, the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an opinion vacating the NRC license for the proposed consolidated interim storage...
Public Interest Groups Take On Newsom Administration Over Backtracking On Cleanup Of Radioactivity At Santa Susana Site
“In an appeal before the Court of Appeal in Sacramento to be heard on Monday, the Newsom Administration will be challenged over positions that breach a longstanding agreement to require...
Friends of the Earth Files Lawsuit to Enforce the PG&E Agreement to Phase out Diablo Nuclear Plant
The organization says that in 2016 it entered into an agreement with PG&E to retire the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in San Luis Obispo County. In exchange for...
SLO Mothers for Peace lay out opposition to possible extension of Diablo Canyon operations (KSBY)
“Daniel Hirsch, President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, claimed that the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant was built near four different fault lines, including the Shoreline fault which lies...
Dan Hirsch radio interview on KTRC Santa Fe
Dan spent a half hour on Santa Fe-based radio station KTRC talking with host Richard Eeds about radioactive waste at Los Alamos. Listen to the full interview here!
Thirteen Organizations Oppose John D. Graham’s Membership on National Academies’ Low-Dose Radiation Committee
On July 22, a comment letter signed by thirteen environmental and public interest groups was sent to the National Academies’ Committee on Developing a Long-Term Strategy for Low-Dose Radiation Research...
VICTORY—Nuclear Regulatory Commission Withdraws Widely Condemned Proposal to Deregulate Most Radioactive Waste
CBG, working closely with NRDC, PEER, NIRS, and PSR helped lead opposition to an extraordinary plan by NRC to allow virtually all radioactive waste from nuclear plants, other than spent...
Environmentalists Fault Sending ‘Very Low Level’ Nuclear Waste to Landfills
Click here to read the article.
Advocates raise questions about proposal to allow some nuclear waste to be disposed in landfills
Read the article here. “What they’re trying to do is prop up a failing industry so that the cost of decommissioning these [nuclear] reactors is reduced so you don’t have...
Families affected by cancer want state officials to lead cleanup of Santa Susana
Read the KCRW story by clicking here. Listen to the audio below: Families affected by cancer want state officials to lead cleanup of Santa Susana
CBG’s Comment on the Final Environmental Impact Report for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Units 2 and 3 Decommissioning Project
Read CBG’s comment letter to Controller Betty Yee, Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and Finance Director Keely Bosler by clicking here.