Author: CBG
Fierce lobbying caps fight over California nuke plant future (AP)
“Lawmakers have questioned why Newsom dropped the text of his legislation just days before the end of the Legislature’s two-year session on Wednesday, saying it provided virtually no time to...
SLO Mothers for Peace lay out opposition to possible extension of Diablo Canyon operations (KSBY)
“Daniel Hirsch, President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, claimed that the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant was built near four different fault lines, including the Shoreline fault which lies...
Santa Susana activists, residents slam Regional Water Board’s agreement with Boeing: ‘Huge tragedy’ (LA Daily News)
“On Monday, Hirsch called the approval of the new memorandum ‘a tragedy.’ ‘When they voted on the MOU — which was horrible in its own way — it made effective...
Did California give Boeing a pass on a major pollution cleanup? (LA Times)
Read Michael Hiltzik’s new column on the SSFL.
San Francisco Civil Grand Jury Releases Report on HPNS and Climate Change
Read the report, Buried Problems and a Buried Process: The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a Time of Climate Change, here.
State’s new deal to clean up radioactive Santa Susana Field Lab is slammed by critics (LA Daily News)
“Nearly 15 years ago the Boeing Company and the state agency that oversees cleanup of the radioactively and chemically polluted Santa Susana Field Lab signed an agreement that asked Boeing...
State Announces Clean Up For Contaminated Nuclear Site, Which Advocates Call ‘A Back Room Deal’ (NBC4)
“The state on Monday announced an agreement with the Boeing Corporation to clean up a large part of one of California’s most contaminated sites–the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL)–located in...
Safety questions arise as Los Alamos National Laboratory pursues pit production
“There’s no safe level of radiation,” Hirsch said. “The issue is how dangerous is acceptable. The whole game is that they are allowing extraordinarily high levels of radiation exposure.” Read...
In Memoriam: Joe Maizlish – War Resister, Gentle Soul, Dear Friend
Joe Maizlish—war resister, gentle soul, and dear friend of Bridge the Gap—died March 16, 2022. While a graduate student in history at UCLA in 1968, to protest the Vietnam War, Joe gave up his draft deferment and publicly refused induction. He served 2 ½ years in various federal prisons, a substantial amount of the time in solitary confinement. In the decades since, he worked diligently against war and injustice. He helped found the Southern California Nonviolence Community. He advocated for a peaceful and just resolution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. He worked for an end to the underlying and systemic causes of violence. In his person, he also embodied the values of gentleness, humility, and caring that he worked for in the world at large. The photo of Joe refusing induction [click photo for larger version] exemplifies who he was at heart: someone who did the right thing, at great personal cost, and who gently asked us all, what are we going to do to help transform a world filled with war?
Rare Pediatric Cancers Persist 63 Years After Nuclear Accident (WebMD)
Read the full WebMD News Brief on the Santa Susana Field Lab here.
Can the California Dept. of Toxic Substances Control be trusted to clean up vulnerable communities? (Sacramento News & Review)
“More than a dozen former DTSC officials, key environmental figures and impacted community members outlined to Capital & Main what they see as serious ongoing issues within the department unaddressed...
Water quality board delays decision on renewal of field lab discharge permit (Thousand Oaks Acorn)
“The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has postponed until further notice a decision on the renewal of a stormwater discharge permit for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. …...
CBG et al. Presentation to LA Water Board Rejecting Weakened SSFL Pollution Permit
On February 10, Dan Hirsch and Melissa Bumstead gave a presentation to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board on behalf of CBG, Parents Vs. SSFL, Physicians for Social...
National Academy Radiation Panel Conflicts of Interest
Hirsch presentation before the NASEM panel on Jan. 25, 2022
Comments by CBG et al. on Stormwater Pollution Permit Proposed by Boeing and LA Water Board
The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has released a tentative National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for the Boeing Company’s stormwater runoff from the Santa Susana Field Lab....