Recent News
Failure of EPA Fukushima U.S. Radiation Monitoring
With a plume of radioactivity headed to the U.S. from the three melting reactors in Japan, Environmental Protection Agency personnel scurried to send out sensitive deployable radiation monitors to fill…
CBG’s Dan Hirsch presents a lecture on the nuclear tragedy in Japan
click the post title to view a lecture given by CBG’s Dan Hirsch on the nuclear tragedy in Japan.
CBG’s Dan Hirsch Speaks on Reactor Safety at San Onofre
Hirsch talked about the SONGs safety record, and the dangers presented by the continued operation of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. The San Clemente Times reports: The second of…
CBG’s Presentation to EPA on Efforts to Weaken Radiation Standards after Fukushima
Bridge the Gap’s presentation to the EPA Deputy Administrator and other senior EPA officials on efforts to weaken radiation standards and failures in EPA’s radiation monitoring system in the U.S….
CBG, Enviro Groups Write EPA About Efforts to Relax Radiation Standards and Problems with U.S. Fukushima Radiation Monitoring
CBG along with other environmental groups wrote to eputy Administrator Perciasepe, General Council Fulton, Assistant Administrators McCarthy and Stanislaus, and Acting Assistant Administrator Stoner regarding a series of radiation protection…
Extraordinary AP Series on NRC Lax Regulations of U.S. Nuclear Safety
This series of articles by AP reporters discuss the loosening of safety rules for aging nuclear reactors, the the presence of radioactive tritium leaks at 48 US nuke sites, US…
Japan crisis reminds us plutonium, CO2 not the only choices
Sacrament Bee OpEd by S. David Freeman and Dan Hirsch in which Mr. Freeman and CBG’s Dan Hirsch contend that the energy policy debate in America was, sadly, incomplete before…
Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation from “SmartMeters”
February 11, 2011 — A recent report from the California Council on Science and Technology, requested by state legislators to assess potential risks from RF radiation from “SmartMeters” (new electric…
CBG, NIRS, Sierra Club Critique “Non-Protective” NRC Radiation Standards
February 10, 2011 — NRC radiation standards allow workers to be exposed to radiation at levels that will cause cancer in a quarter of those exposed, according to the federal…
Simi Valley Moms Work to Cleanup Radioactive Neighborhood
Click the post title to watch a video regarding the hard work of Simi Valley citizens fighting to cleanup a radioactive neighborhood.
CBG Files Amicus Brief In Nuclear Cleanup Case
Boeing Had Sued California to Block Cleanup Law for Meltdown Site. Bridge the Gap, the S. Calif. Federation of Scientists, Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA, and the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition, represented…